Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Poor Derek!!!

Young Derek has been super sick going on 7 days now. This nasty illness first appeared during his field trip to the Planetarium/Gateway (pictured above). He seemed fine until he starting puking at the Gateway Food Court (sadly in front of his entire class). Luckily? I was there with him at the Field Trip to console him and annoy him at the same time. We took him to the Doctor the next day after high fevers, coughing and achiness (Sound like swine flu to you?) No swine flu, but he did have a massive ear infection and strep throat along with a ridiculous virus that makes him cough all day and night. Derek will finally be returning to school after a 5 day absence! I am knocking on wood that we have seen the last of this!

As soon as he walked in the door to the the pediatrician's office, he was asked to put on this mask, and we were quickly escorted to a "special" room in the back.


susan said...

Sad! I hope he is feeling better and noone else got it!

mCat said...

Waaaaahhhhh!!! Poor Derek! I'm sure his GF loved him puking. It's pretty hawt and really does it for the girls.

Teri said...

lol! Melissa speaks for herself!

No fun for either of you!! and a little scary I am sure!! Is Derek back at school now? And no one else got it I hope!!