Sunday, April 26, 2009


Night out with Alan's sister Teri and her hubby Russ, and Alan's cousins Tod, Terri and Melissa. I think we laughed for 3 hours straight.

Piano Recital

The boys had their Spring Piano Recital and they both did a great job. This was Derek's farewell performance. He is retiring from piano. Almost just in time for Megan to take his place. She is so excited to start learning how to play the piano. Only one more year Meg!

BYU Graduation

Our niece Cassie Randall graduated from BYU last week.
We are so proud of her!!!

It has now been 17 years since Alan and I graduated from this fine institution. We were talking about what we remembered about that day 17 years ago...hmmm, neither one of us remembers ANYTHING! So Cassie, I hope you remember this day. You looked so happy and so beautiful!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lion of the Quarter

Way to go Jake! He received the "Lion of The Quarter" at West Jordan Middle School today. The school made him a book of letters from each of his teachers. The one from his English teacher Mrs. Jones was my favorite because she is someone who he admires and respects a lot. (I hope Mrs. Jones doesn't care that I downloaded her picture from the WJMS website) You can tell from her letter that she has really taken the time to get to know him. He is lucky enough to be her teacher's aide next year. This amazing teacher is also battling cancer. We wish her the very best and appreciate the influence she is on Jake.
Here's a picture of the trophy
Group picture of all of the Lions of the Quarter (Jake is in front middle)

7th graders lining up to hear good stuff about themselves and get their awards.

Enjoying the brunch and award presentation.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Busy Week

We started the week off with a phone call that my dad was in the hospital again. His heart rate was all over the place and ended up stuck at 150 beats/minute for 24 hours straight. So on Sunday he got a little shock to his heart (after the doctors tried many, many medications to bring the heart rate down). Since the shock didn't work, he ended up having an ablation surgery on Monday. This seems to have solved the problem, and he was discharged Wednesday. Yay Dad!!!

(I didn't take any pictures of Derek's first game - it was too cold!!!)
Wednesday night was Derek's first baseball game of the season, and he hit his first HOME RUN ever! He CRUSHED the ball, and it stopped just short of the fence. He ran so fast that I could tell he was not going to stop for anything...I think he was determined to make it all the way home. A home run was the goal that he set for himself this season. So Derek, does that mean we can forget the rest of the season???

(Picture of Michele, Tom and Gledhill kids with Paul Cardall (blue shirt), Peter Breinholt (red shirt) and David Tolk (black shirt)

Monday night we attended a benefit concert for Paul Cardall. Paul is a talented musician who is waiting for a heart transplant. ( The concert was incredible!!! Peter Breinholt performed a song while they showed a slideshow of Gracie. So touching! And the last song of the night was Paul Cardall playing the piano. He played a song he wrote for Gracie..."Gracie's Theme." Michele has the video of Paul and Peter's performances on Gracie's blog ( It was so amazing - something none of us who were there will ever forget.