Thursday, July 15, 2010

District Champions

Derek's All Star team took first place in the District Championship this year. It's the first time he has been on a team that took first. He was so excited! His team starts to play in the State tournament on Friday.
Coach Mike got drenched by water after the game.
Jake was a spectator at the game and got hit by a foul ball. His poor arm was so red and swollen for a few days. There was even a cool baseball seam on top of the swelling.
Derek and his friend Hunter

Derek getting his trophy from Mike. I totally caught Derek's real smile in this picture!
Derek was so excited he got to pitch for 3 innings in the tournament.

1 comment:

mCat said...

Congrats to Derek! That is awesome! I miss this time of year. Playoff's; allstars; I miss it!

Good luck to him in the finals!