This year Megan adorned me with various gifts and many, many cards. One of my gifts was this bunch of white artificial flowers that she plucked out of a flower arrangement and then put into a vase of water. She is so stinkin cute! About mid-day, I had to yell down the stairs that I do distinctly remember giving birth to 2 boys as well as a daughter. The boys made their way up pretty quickly after that :). You gotta love boys!!!
Alan always does a good job keeping things clean and quiet on Mother's Day...just the way I like it! He picked up my favorite Cafe Rio meal Saturday night so I could have it on Sunday!!! And he taught my Primary class of 9 little 7 year old girls. He was a little brain dead after that haha.
What a great mother's day you had!
I'm not particularly fond of the holiday and while I had a good one, I'm still mulling over a post......
You have such stinking cute kids!
Glad you had a good day. We need to get together again. Seems I cut off that whole group of woman with the ending of the calling. Not on purpose, I just got a little busy. Missing our weekly chatting times.
I love the artificial flowers story of Megan's.
It's easy to be a mom to you. You are a delightful daughter to be proud of and a fantastic mom!
Great post! And great photos! You must be one heck of a mom to be raising such great kids. I usually hate Mother's Day, so I am glad to hear Alan does it right!
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