Friday, November 14, 2008

The Adventures of Megan

Megan all wrapped up Derek toilet papering Megan - I had to add some breathing space for her - something Derek seemed to overlook!
Look away if you are queasy! Well guess what...I am queasy too but I couldn't look away! Here's a little injury Megan received on a morning I was getting ready to visit my dad at the ICU. According to Derek, I let out a few swear words when I first saw this (it was much bloodier before those lovely staples went in). She says she walked into a wall. Who knows - Derek and I just heard the screaming afterward. When the Doctor was shaving the area to be stapled, I started to cry and said "It took a year to grow out her bangs!" I guess it will take at least that long to grow this beautiful bald patch out. Megan did report the boys in her class thought the staples were really cool!

P.S. Megan says "That hurt"


Marci said...

Yikes! That does look like it hurts!! I am glad she is ok, and I am glad to hear I'm not the only swearing mom. ;)

♥ Michele ♥ said...

Wow Megan, you are so brave!!! I have never had staples/stitches and I am 38 years old!! I can see why the kids at school thought they were cool. You are one tough cookie!

Trevor, Brianna, Alivia, Tayvree, and Avynlee Hansen said...

K, this is a little freaky....this is the third blog i read tonight about injuries. One of them was two staples in the head cuz a kid hit his on a gate at school. The other, the kid split open his tongue and lip falling on the stairs. I'm glad megan is okay!!! glad you are okay!! :) take care!!

susan said...

Poor Megan! I hope things have settled down now!