Thursday, October 8, 2009


HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY JACOB ALAN PETERSON! It was so fun to go back and look at the pictures of you growing up. You have always been the sweetest, kindest, happiest kid. You have always been an overachiever and the perfect student. My favorite thing to do is walk into a Parent Teacher Conference and tell the teacher that my son is Jacob Peterson. Teachers love my Jake! Apparently he is the perfect kid away from home. :) You are a great example to your brother and sister and a great example to your parents. It is an honor to have you as a son! Love, Mom and Dad

*Disclaimer...If you happen to see a scrapbook page, it is courtesy of my sister Melanie who was kind enough to put together many scrapbook pages for our family. Thanks Mel!

1) He has a big heart and would do anything for anybody.
2) He is a natural leader. We used to call him the Pied Piper when he was younger because he always had a group of kids following him around.
3) He is very disciplined at everything he does.
4) He is in better shape than anyone in our family. He swims an average of 6-8 hours a week.
5) He is an animal lover and takes great care of his guinea pigs.
6) He has had a 4.0 GPA since the beginning of 7th grade.
7) He is an entrapreneur...He once made $75 in a day running a neighborhood snack shack.
8) He can text really quickly and very accurately, even with his eyes shut.
9) He loves to build things out of legos, rocks, bricks, wood, snow, etc.....
10) His closet and drawers are immaculately organized. However, his room is usually a disaster.
11) He loves to be outside...trampoline, biking, walking with friends, hiking.
12) He and his cell phone are BFFs
13) He would rather spend time with his Aunt Melanie than anyone else.
14) He knows who he is and is very confident in who he is. He has never been one to cave into peer pressure or follow the crowd. He has always just done his own thing.


Melanie said...

Great post about a great kid! #13 on the list is my favorite, of course!:) Happy B-day, Jake!

mCat said...

Wow - what a great tribute to a fantastic kid! I love it when he sends me a random text. usually at the prodding of my YW : )

susan said...

Happy birthday Jake!