Friday, September 4, 2009

August Catch Up

Megan's new hair. 5 inches taken off the length.

Young Derek was recently dumped by his girlfriend (who by the way he never talked to anyway). He took his frustrations out at a ball game that night and has since decided he is a much better baseball player without a girlfriend. I do have to admit he has played amazingly well the last 2 games since he has been "single." Maybe this is how we can keep him away from the pointing out what a better athlete he is without them!

Jake started 8th grade at West Jordan Middle. So far, so good. WJ Middle does not have air conditioning, so the poor kids roast all day. But Jake is just happy to be back with his friends. He also started back on his swim team after a couple of weeks off. And his beloved cell phone was stolen out of his swim locker. He is now saving for another one and using my phone for most of his texting needs.

Our furry friend Taco survived a scary fall onto the cement driveway outside. She got to hang out in our Guinea Pig Rehab Center (laundry basket with lots of towels for comfort) for a couple of nights. She has now moved back to her cage and has made a full recovery.

Meg chose to have a family birthday party at Lagoon. Lucky for us it was 2 for 1 days...and even luckier, it was 100 degrees most of the day. We had a good time (even Derek who normally hates Lagoon had a good time). Derek found a pitching booth where he was clocked at 53 miles per hour...earning him a special plastic batting helmet and blow up bat. He was pretty excited!


Melanie said...

WOW--that's a monster post! I'm happy to hear Taco is back to normal guinea life. Condolences to Jake on his phone:(. You wanted a new one anyway, right? LOVE the hair, Meg! Can't wait to see Derek play at his next game. Who needs stinky girls anyway?

Marci said...

I love a good catch up post! It sounds like August was busy! I love that Derek has figured out that having a girlfriend can just be a baseball distraction. Good lesson to learn! And cute hair, Megan! And sorry to hear about the phone, Jake. That stinks!!!

mCat said...

Oh how I love your family!

Speaking of time flying by - Golden Corral for Thanksgiving dinner? ya in? : )

Brena and Jered said...

Sounds like a fun time. Tell Derek he's too young to have a girl friend!

♥ Michele ♥ said...

Guinea pig rehab center....i am still LOL!